Reload Audio Driver (RAD) [Forge] Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2

Reload Audio Driver (RAD) [Forge] Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2 is a client-side mod. It pops up along with a possibility to load again the audio driver/sound library by hitting some keys.

Reload Audio Driver (RAD)

We’re checking the forge version of Reload Audio Driver.

RAD is a simple creation where you can reload the mentioned-above items easily by pressing F3 and R.

Besides, you can find it on the list after you strike F3 with Q.


You can save your time when you need to restart the game or reload the textures. It’s useful in case you own dodgy headphones or unexpectedly had the wrong audio tool chosen.

Therefore, Minecraft can update the equipment that it should have so as to send its audio to.

Moreover, it’s especially effective while playing large mod packs in which using F3 and T with reloading textures can be vulnerable.

Reload Audio Driver (RAD) [Forge] is a miscellaneous mod that you can utilize in your mod pack whenever. It’s the main reason that the author made it. Download and install Minecraft Forge to test the remaining functions now!


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods name folder.
When you open Minecraft, click the button mods, you see the mod is installed.

Reload Audio Driver (RAD) [Forge] Mod Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.17.1
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2
Minecraft Mod 1.14.4
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2