FTB Utilities (Forge) Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 gives you some nice utilities that are within the FTB Platform. They will enhance your Minecraft gaming experience.

This Server Utility mod is made by LatvianModder. Its purpose is to improve your game by adding various utilities. For instance:
- Guide System
- Friends System
- Chunk Claiming
- Backup System
- Auto-restart Timer
- World Borders
- Inventory Viewer
- Warps with commands such as /setwarp [ID] and /warp [ID].
- Config Reloading with a command like /admin reload.
- FriendsGUI
- Spawn mobs with a command like / Spawn PVP.
- MOTD displayed on player login
- Starting Items
- Chat Links
- JSON Configs (you can use /admin config to edit them)
- Badges
- Commands featured in FTLib:
- /reload
- /ftb_worldID
- /ftb_mode list
- /ftb_mode get
- /ftb_mode set [mode]
- /edit_config [group] [entry] [value]
- /set_item_name [Name…]
- /ftb_notify [notification Json…]
Commands featured in FTB Utilities:
- /bac
- /spawn
- /tpl [player]
- /warp [ID]
- /admin invsee [player]
- /admin setwarp [ID]
- /admin delwarp [ID]
- /admin unclaim
- /admin unclaim_all
- /admin loaded_chunks
- /admin worldborder on|off
- /admin worldborder get [dim]
- /admin worldborder set [dim] [radius]
- /admin worldborder center
- /admin worldborder center [x] [z]
- /admin player saveinv|loadinv
- /admin player saveinv|loadinv [custom name]
Make your gaming experience better and more amazing with FTB Utilities!
- Minecraft Forge
- FTBLib
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% -> click Run.
- Input where mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods name folder.
- When open Minecraft, click the button mods, you see the mod is installed.