Patchouli (Fabric) Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5


Patchouli (Fabric) Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 can provide the necessary material for all users in Minecraft. This is a useful tool for modders and creators of cool mod packs.


About Patchouli mod

This mod provides data and easy-to-follow documentation for modders as well as modpack creators. Its makers and system modifiers create beautiful books that come packed full of features that enhance the user experience.

The user-focused feature set of this mod has a research function. It is based on the features players love from Botania’s Lexica Botania.

Some of the features the mod provides:

  • Create data-driven content without requiring code. You won’t need patchouli’s code to build
  • Provides in-game text editor
  • Rich text formatting system that supports macros
  • Unlock progressive content
  • Allows you to nest categories and bookmarks for quick and simple navigation
  • Lots of ready-to-use page types like craft, text, and image pages
  • Provides multi-block visualization for easy construction
  • Added template system for custom page type creations
  • Allows locating other languages ​​easily
  • Seamless integration with mods

With the help of the Patchouli mod, you can easily make manuals in Minecraft games. At the same time, without learning to program, you can make an extremely convenient and beautiful guidebook. Therefore, you absolutely should not ignore this mod.


  • Fabric API
  • Fabric Modloader


How to install:

  • Make sure you have already installed Fabric API.
  • Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • Open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% -> click Run.
  • Input where mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods name folder.
  • When open Minecraft, click the button mods, you see the mod is installed.

Patchouli Mod Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.17.1
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5