Just Enough Items (JEI) [Forge] Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2 is an item and recipe viewing mod. The owner built it from scratch to improving stability and performance in-game.

How to use Just Enough Items Mod
These are controls that you should check.
Basic Controls
Recipes: hover over item + R
Uses: hover over item + U
Manage item list overlay: Control + O
Item List:
Recipes: Click Item or type R
Uses: Right-click item or type U
Pages: scroll wheel
Config Menu: Select Wrench
Toggle Cheat Mode: Control-choose Wrench
Pick Search Bar: Click/Control+F
Clear Search: Right-click
Previous Search: Up arrow
Seek by Mod Name: Type @ in front of a word (@thaum)
Many terms run together (wand @thaum)
Exclude search terms: put – in front of a word
Look for terms that have spaces in them: Type “”” around the words
Recipe View:
Next/previous page: mouse wheel
All recipes: click the recipe category’s name
Transport objects into the crafting area: click the + button. Shift-Click to move numerous sets
Besides, you are capable of using Advanced Controls.
Just Enough Items is an API and Library mod. It’s simple to view whatever and recipes.
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% -> click Run.
- Input where mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods name folder.
- When open Minecraft, click the button mods, you see the mod is installed.