BNBGamingLib Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is a dependency available for the mods of Blood N Bones Gaming, the author. It introduces to everybody a common code that the BnBGaming Dev Team uses. More facts about BNBGamingLib It is also a library mod for the other creations by Blood N Bones Gaming. It…
Category: API and Library
Controllable Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2
Controllable Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2 presents various notable features. It’s possible for you to change the binding of buttons, craft with one click, navigate menus with inventory, and more. Full possibilities of Controllable The mod won’t make MC more accessible by using controller support. It lets multiple instances of the game run on…
LemonLib Mod 1.14.4/1.13.2/1.12.2
LemonLib 1.14.4/1.13.2/1.12.2 is a mod that other mods of its author use to share code. It offers a common library so mod developers can mine its function for their works. More information about LemonLib It talks about a place where offers a few basic utilities for those who are developing…
Gun Customization: Infinity Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4
Gun Customization: Infinity Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4 consists of countless guns, attachments, better shooting mechanics, and so on. Are you ready to experience all of the latest additions? Gun Customization: Infinity Released! It contains a series of objects Firearms Accessories Bullets Enhanced shooting mechanics Guns trader villages (gun table is the block granting…
ServerConfig Updater Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2
ServerConfigs Updater Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2 has a feature quite related to its name that allows you to selectively delete ServerConfigs as the world loads. Causes them to be recreated from the default config directory. If you are curious about this mod then download it immediately for your device to be able…
Curios API (Fabric) Mod 1.16.5/1.16.4
Curios API (Fabric) Mod 1.16.5/1.16.4 is a kind of equipment API dedicated to mod developers and users. They can add more item slots and configure them. This API and Library mod for Fabric is very necessary to have. It suits the desires of both Minecraft mod developers and mod users….
Chocolate Fix Mod 1.16.5/1.16.4
Chocolate Fix Mod 1.16.5/1.16.4 fixes many vanilla bugs about custom world generation in-game. Why don’t you collect the newest version and see how it solves issues? Chocolate Fix It has shown up a good solution to prevent vanilla problems from annoying you. So, the creation has fixed: MC-202036: Biomes IDs will…
Curios API Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4
Curios API Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4 is a core library mod by TheIllusiveC4. This mod provides resources to other mods and supports those mods at the same time. Thanks to this Core Mod, modpack users will find it easier to update, change, and fix bugs for different mods at the same time….
ThutCore Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2
ThutCore Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2 source code library to run mods using its API. This is a useful mod that you will support you a lot in-game. In fact, this mod is the combination between the core and API, Because of being the, that will allow you to enjoy the good compatibility…
More Libs Mod 1.13.2/1.12.2
More Libs 1.13.2/1.12.2 is the mod for Minecraft that is considered as a library for PanSzelescik’s mods. It means that it will support all others mod created by the same author. Besides that, it also adds basic stuff. Just like A lib mod, this mod also a similar function.The fact that…