Better Builder’s Wands (Forge) Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 adds Builder’s Wands to Minecraft. These wands come with different functions based on tiers.

Builder’s Wands are the new cosmetic tools. Similar to other armor, tools, and weapons, these new tools have their own functions as well. Besides, they come in different types for instance:
Stone Builder’s Wand:
- Requires: Cobble and 2 Stick
- It is cheap and dirty.
- It is able to put 5 blocks simultaneously in a horizontal way.
- 130 is the total number of blocks it can place in its lifetime.
Iron Builder’s Wand:
- Requires: Iron and 2 Sticks
- It has better quality.
- It is able to place 9 blocks at the same time and place them vertically or horizontally.
- 250 is the total number of blocks it can put in its lifetime.
Diamond Builder’s Wand:
- Requires: Iron and 2 Sticks.
- It is able to place all the blocks. However, it can do this in a limited period of time.
- You can use the wand to place 1562 blocks at the same time. They can be put vertically or horizontally.
Unbreakable Builder’s Wand:
- Requires: Nether Star and 2 Sticks
- It is able to place all the blocks simultaneously in a vertical or horizontal way.
- Its durability is infinite.
The mod features some modes for the Builder’s Wands to function in. You change between the modes using M:
- North-South
- North-South (+ Vertical)
- East-West
- East-West (+ Vertical
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- No Lock
Better Builder’s Wands can be used with Extra Utilities.
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% -> click Run.
- Input where mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods name folder.
- When open Minecraft, click the button mods, you see the mod is installed.